Thursday, September 01, 2005

Slicing up eyeballs, I want you to know.

Recently, some post-coital conversation in which I was engaged turned to body dismemberment and cannibalism. I'm not kidding. Of course I realize that to some people this may not be much of a stretch, but I don’t really want to know about that. It struck me as kind of odd. And I think I might have been the one who initiated it. But anyway.

So here’s the issue in question: in terms of our edible muscle mass, we humans would be considered red meat, right? Now, we’ve got ribs, we’ve got loins, we’ve got chops, we’ve got rumps and tails and shoulders and whatnot. All prime cuts. So the question is this: do we possess anything that would be comparable to bacon? I maintain that no, we do not, as bacon is by definition pork, and since we have already established that we humans are not pork, well then, we can’t possibly have bacon hiding anywhere in our ample carcasses.

However, my porking partner, as it were (sorry, couldn’t resist), maintains that it would, in fact, be possible for humans to contain bacon. And here’s why: because turkeys have bacon.

I could have laughed until I cried.


Blogger ~Manda said...

lol i dont know about us having bacon... DOUBT it... but still... NO ONE IS HAVIN ANY BACON from this lil girl! :) lol
that's a gross subject though... it's lunch time now! hee he ;)

12:06 PM  
Blogger Lostinspace said...

hey there. you always have the most interesting posts. i have always thought that humans are uniquely edible. just throw some soy sauce on top of us bacon.

5:01 PM  
Blogger Johnny C said...

Bacon is what bacon does. No really, You technically can't make "Bacon" from anything other than a pig. However the cuts such as Streaky bacon (the most common form of bacon in the United States) comes from the belly of a pig & back bacon comes from the loin in the middle of the back of the animal (also known as Canadian Bacon).

So technically you could have "similar " things to bacon, mostly the american style of bacon. However Canadian Bacon wouldn't work (unless by your friends logic you got it from a Canadian, lol)

Now I'm hungry for a BLT.

7:51 PM  

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