Monday, February 14, 2005

And I know from today, March is just two weeks away.

And that’s all I’ll say about that.

Went to a big dyke thing last night on the LES. Am I allowed to use that word since, you know, I was there and that’s what they all were calling it? Or is that one of those words that only the members of the community it refers to are allowed to throw around while we outsiders are expected to refrain from bandying it about? So confusing.

But anyway, I went to this big dyke thing on the LES last night. Never been to a big dyke thing before. It was fun I guess. There was mildly amusing lip-synching (in drag) involved, and some completely un-amusing “Emotional Fear Factor” skit thing (I don’t know), but there was also drunkenness and some good conversation. So I really can’t complain. What else is there, really?

When I wasn’t working or attending big dyke things this weekend, I spent a considerable amount of time wandering around The Gates. I spend a lot of time in Central Park, and have really been looking forward to this public art installation. I plan to wander through it every day while it’s up. For some reason, I’m very moved by it. Just the idea that something like this could be done for no reason other than “art’s sake” is spectacular to me. In the recent past, only two things that I can think of have happened in this city that have given me some form of hard-to-define faith renewal. One is the establishment of the 311 city information line. The other is The Gates.

Perhaps as interesting as experiencing the project itself is experiencing people’s myriad reactions to it and their different ways of interacting with it. Strolling in groups, wandering alone, talking excitedly, soaking it in in silence, pointing, touching, taking pictures, sketching, needing to document, observing casually with no attempt at preservation or documentation... Amazing. Love it or hate it, everyone is talking about it, and everyone is reacting to it. And to me, it’s a lot more interesting than American Idol or, I don’t know, Valentine’s Day.


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