Monday, April 23, 2007

Baby's playing dead in the cellar.

In case you couldn’t tell from my last post, I’ve been a bit rattled lately. For weeks now I’ve essentially been working in the middle of a massive construction site, with a huge diesel crane operating day in, day out, at most twelve feet from my head. There are no words for the toll this has taken on my sanity. My nerves are…frazzled, to say the least. My work and the up-keep of my personal life have both suffered. And now it’s hot out, and I am of course unable to open my windows.

The good news is that late last week I finally took action and went out and got myself (compliments of my employer, of course) a pair of those noise-blocking headphone thingies. Coupled with a pair of musician’s ear plugs, I now sit here in my own blissfully silent little cocoon.

Of course, this means that co-workers have found that they can get endless amusement out of sneaking into my office when my head is down or otherwise turned away from the door, thus giving me countless little heart attacks.

It also means I can’t hear my phone when it rings… I’ve tried to rig it so that it’s always in my line of vision, but more often than not my attention is not properly grabbed until the bright red “Message” indicator light pops on. Ah, well. Can’t say I ever really want to talk to anyone, anyway.

Um, I mean, if you call and don’t get me, you should leave a message and I will call you right back. Your call is very important to me!


Blogger e.e. said...


Okay, THAT was funny.

5:09 PM  

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