Monday, November 28, 2005

Forget regret, or life is yours to miss.

Saw the Rent movie over the holiday weekend. With my entire family. Grandmother included. Everyone but my brother wanted to see it, and he agreed he could sit through it, so we figured what the hell. Family outing. The prospect of which filled me with a certain amount of nostalgia, as sleeping out on the street with friends for twenty-dollar Rent tickets was one of the very first defining experiences of my move to NYC ten years ago.

And I wanted to love the movie. Really, I did. But I didn’t. Oh well. C’est la vie.

The overall “message” (no day but today, carpe diem, live in the moment, blah blah blah) was not lost on me, though. No secret that I’ve kind of been struggling with that lately.

In the car afterwards, my grandmother looked at me and asked, “P/O, you don’t sing anymore, do you?”

See, most of the people in my life today would probably be surprised to learn that I used to be somewhat of a musician. I played instruments, sang, and generally lived most of my youth as a band and chorus geek. And yet, for the past decade, there’s been no trace of any of that in my life. And honestly, I don’t even think about that fact.

Story of my life, actually. Looking back, much of my personal history can be seen as a series of periods, a series of one-eighties, rather than a clear or tangible progression. I’ve often pursued things (and believe me, when I pursued something, I pursued it, ruthlessly and ceaselessly, earning me the nickname “one track” at a very young age) only to burn them out and drop them for something else abruptly down the line.

So when my grandmother asked, “P/O, you don’t sing anymore, do you,” it caught me off guard.

“Nope,” I said.

“Why not?”

“I don’t know,” I replied. “Never really thought about it.”

“It’s a shame. You were so talented.” (Full disclosure: my grandmother’s assessment of my talent should always be taken with a grain of salt. She also insists I should have been a model. And a writer. And god knows what else.)

And for a moment, I felt a twinge of regret at having abandoned something that I was good at, that used to give me a certain amount of pleasure. And one thing about me is that I’ve always said I regret nothing. That I’ve never seen the point of regret or dwelling on the past. I’ve never hesitated to make choices or enact change, knowing that change only brings the possibility of more previously unforeseen change and opportunity.

And yet, here I was, starting to think about my past and some of the choices I’ve made that maybe, just maybe, could have been made better. Things I’ve done that maybe could have (should have?) been done differently. Fuck.

She persisted, “But couldn’t you find some way of still doing it?”

And I thought about it and said, “I don’t know. I’m really not interested.”

And that’s just it. I’m really not interested. I’m not interested in revisiting those things that, for whatever reason, have been packed up and put away. I may not know exactly how I got here, or if this is ultimately where I want to be, but I’m here now and all I can do is strive to remain true to who I am here and now. I see that, without realizing it, I’ve actually been wasting an obscene amount of time and energy on regret lately. And that’s got to stop. So no more of that. I’ve wallowed long enough, and it’s time to take this bull once again by the horns.


Blogger raven said...

Have to make a comment about Rent before reading the rest of your post.
Sitting outside with friends was certainly a defining moment for me as well. Rent defined my entire college experience. I'm amazed it's been 10 years.
I saw the movie over the weekend as well and I COMPLETELY agree with you. As much as I really, really wanted to like it I didn't. There were some great things, but it wasn't the same. My wife loved it and as we talked about it more afterwards I've decided I could give it another chance, but I'm still not sure I'm gonna love it.
It lost it's soul along the way to film.

12:20 PM  
Blogger raven said...

"...I’ve actually been wasting an obscene amount of time and energy on regret lately."

Ok, I am gonna go sooooooo chessy on your ass and quote a line from the affirmation from Rent for you.

"Forget regret or life is yours to miss"

Ok, now that I got that out of my system (the whole damn show has been in my head since Friday) I don't think you have to drop all the stuff in the past that you've packed away. You may not start singing again, but don't dismiss all the good and bad things in your past that built you to who you are. I look at many of the decisions and choices I've made in my life and realize that they are all important to who I am today.

I'm a terrible singer, but doing muscials in grade school and high school led to me doing theatre in college, which led to me metting my wife. There are plenty of splinters off of that that make me who I am, but I really see theatre as the one choosen path that has made a huge difference. And now that things have kinda come full circle and theatre is back in the forefront of my life, in a way, it's great.

So you don't have to start singing again, but maybe since it's Christmas go find a sing-a-long Messiah or something. I bet it'll make you feel great to stretch the vocal chords and remind you of where you've come from and affirm where you are.

12:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad to know that I wasn't the only old-school fan that found something lacking in the film. I did see it several times this week, and found I liked it more with each viewing, but there's something missing from the film version ... It's more than just the songs that have been cut. It may be, as Raven said, that it has lost its soul. Ah well. Idina rocked my world. I just wish the rest of the film had risen to her level.

1:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a terrible night yesterday - spent the whole night on the phone and in emails with my significant other. And, that's exactly what he was doing - regretting the choices he had made and some he continues to make. In his case, such choices have caused him tremendous pain. We both rewinded back to our pasts and couldn't stop playing the tapes in our heads.

My belief that everything, always, happens for a reason did not help sorting out the issue either - the whys, what ifs, still can't stop messing around my head.

And, now I'm rambling. See, this is what happens when you don't sleep - you end up rambling in someone else's comment box. Sheesh.

There are activities that I left far behind and like you, I don't plan to look back and wonder what would have happened if I ever ventured back into those things. I'm happy with where I am at today - so why look back?

Oh well, "it is what it is", ain't it? :)

1:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was googling around for the lyrics to a song I heard in panera, "Don't regret, miss life...." and I thought "Catchy tune, it will be great for my myspace account."

Then I read your post, and it caused me to think. It is great to have someone in your life, whose vision for us is greater than that of our own. Having started acting again, after years of not believing I could, things have been pretty good. I still run into all the obstacles, and occasionally people who don't believe I can, or should.

But it is a gift, to those following us, to gently encourage them to try. And I believe, when it really comes down to it, it's just a matter of being interested in something, doing something...for yourself.

4:09 PM  

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