Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Let's forget about it.

I’m not going to name names in this post, because that is not my point in relating this story. In telling it to various friends, their reactions have ranged from amused, to slightly perturbed, straight on through to extreme offense. I’m somewhere in the middle, and have experienced the entire range. So rest assured that any inquiries into specifics will be ignored.

Ok. So not too long ago, I switched gyms. I had been going to one that I loved, but due to various circumstances, it had become inconvenient and I found myself going less and less. And since the point of a gym is, you know, to go, I decided that my interests would be better served by joining a gym that, though not as nice, would be more convenient and hence I’d be more motivated in my attempts to whip this body back into the shape it was in a year ago. A year ago. Fuck. What a year this has been.

Anyway, so I went to this gym to check it out and spent about an hour with the really nice, professional, and personable membership person who showed me all around, answered all my questions, etc. Very thorough. I was comfortable. It was a nice place, and even better, cheaper than what I was currently paying. Sweet.

However, throughout my entire time in her office, her (male) boss kept barging in to “check on things,” i.e. flirt with me. This is not in any way said to indicate that I am some form of hot shit. Quite the contrary, it was clear that he was just a big ol’ flirt, and would have been flirting with anyone sitting in my chair, male or female. No big deal. The banter was fun. He was cute. Awesome.

Then at one point, during one of his trips into the office, he was trying to sell me on various aspects of the gym, and actually asked me if I was gay or straight. I was a little taken aback, because I wasn’t quite sure this was appropriate and it did make me a little uncomfortable. I mean, while I do realize that certain gyms are, like, cruising meccas, this has never been and will never be why I go to the gym. In fact, I barely socialize at all when there. I tend to be very focused on myself. I mean what the hell, it’s one of the few places where I feel I’m allowed to be completely and totally self-absorbed.

But whatever. I was kind of amused that he had the balls to ask the question. He then went on to tell me all about how beautiful the people are at certain of their locations, and that, should I have the time, I should visit one in particular at certain times (detailed by him) in order to take in the most eye candy.

Um, ok dude. This is when I explained to him that not only are these not reasons that I go to the gym, but that also, for me, the gym is all about convenience and I am not in the habit of traveling all over the city to work out. Hell, I’ve even hesitated to follow through on booty calls if the location is inconvenient, and there (unlike the gym) booty is guaranteed!

In the end though, it must have worked—I joined the gym.


Blogger raven said...

wow. that's fascinating. not surprising... it's like bars allowing underage people in. they don't care if 1) people are paying memberships and 2) the police don't get involved. Pretty ballsy to have it become a selling option.
BUT the real question is whether is was bullshit or if his info. was accurate ;-)

7:08 PM  
Blogger P/O said...

well, i'll have to let you know once i've been a member for a while...

11:43 AM  

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