Monday, July 25, 2005

Taxi cabs, limousines, submarines.

Heading to meet S&L (not "SNL"), I find myself walking along with a group of three guys for six or seven blocks. Now, normally when I find myself in this situation (keeping the same pace as a group of other people on the sidewalk), I’ll either slow down or speed up, so as to distance myself from them and claim my own few feet of sidewalk space. No secret that I can’t stand being on top of other people. A fun curse to have in New York City, to be sure.

But this particular night is a different story. I'm in the mood for a casual stroll, and also in the mood to not arrive at my destination drenched in sweat. Plus, I find one of the three guys particularly cute. So I decide to keep pace, thereby remaining approximately one foot away from them, all the while listening in on their conversation, of course.

It starts out boring enough, discussing friends in common, work, studies, etc. Cute guy’s voice and inflection pique my interest, and I find myself listening with particular attention to what he has to say. Turns out he’s in law school, and is taking the bar next week. Makes me think of this other blogger I know, as well as a certain real-life friend of mine who will also be sitting there, doing that same thing at that particular time. Nice. Good to know that if (when?) I ever find myself in need of some legal assistance, I’ll have some places to turn.

So we keep on walking. I wonder vaguely if it's obvious I'm eavesdropping, but eh, don’t really care.

So then cute guy switches topics... He starts talking about his bachelor party next week. Followed by his wedding a few days later. Hmm.

I begin to lose interest.

Then he mentions that the night of his bachelor party will be his last night in New York. Seems he’s getting married in Boston or somewhere (I forget), and then moving permanently to Chicago.

“Aw, don’t go. We’re just beginning to get to know each other.”

Ah well. And without even realizing it I pick up my pace, gradually putting more and more space between us until I arrive at my destination, ready to drown my loneliness in drink and drunken conversation.


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