Wednesday, June 01, 2005

People laugh at anything, and things just fall apart.

In my little circle of friends I’ve always been the one considered to have the most warped sense of humor. I don’t know why. Obviously, it doesn’t seem warped to me.

Example: one of my favorite scenes in the new Star Wars flick (shit, I swore I was going to buck the trend and not blog about this movie) is the one where Anakin, oh so dramatically, enters the Jedi Temple and menacingly draws his light sabre before slaughtering all the helpless little Jedi “younglings.” Classic. I actually exclaimed, “Nice!” in the theater (much to the surprise of those seated around me).

I guess it’s just that the things that tickle my funny bone are often a little on the dark side. (Killing children? Hilarious!) Or maybe the somewhat perverse side. I don’t know. Honestly, I just find a lot of things really funny. And when I find something funny, I laugh really hard. And sometimes really loud. Which I admit can be disruptive. And once I get started, look out—it’s not intentional, but you’d have better luck stopping a speeding train with a feather pillow.

Throughout my middle and high school careers, I was the only “good” student routinely kicked out of class and sent to the office. I once laughed my way through a funeral. And of course a wedding or two. So in case you were wondering, nope, nothing’s sacred. It’s a wonder I get invited anywhere at all, really.

But I guess if you ever need cheering up, well, I’m your man. I’m just one big ol’ ray of inappropriate sunshine.


Blogger Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

I'm that guy too. Go figure.

4:42 PM  
Blogger Lostinspace said...

I think you and I should go see a movie together. You are definitely invited to my funeral. And wedding, I suppose, if that ever happens.

5:11 PM  
Blogger EcamirG said...

i cited the fact that lucas didn't have the balls to actually show anakin killing those kids as one of the weakest points of the movie.

my friends, proving once again that they don't pay much attention to me, were aghast.

3:27 PM  

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