Tuesday, June 07, 2005

One more time to kill the pain.

Made an ass of myself at the gym last night while warming up on the treadmill. No, it didn’t end with me flying off the back of it or lying on the floor or anything like that. But still.

I’m generally not a tv-watcher or a music-listener when I work out, and therefore I never bring headphones with me in order to watch/listen to the little individual tvs that are attached to most of the machines. So while jogging along last night my eyes began to wander around the room (as they are wont to do), and at one point settled on one of the large, communal televisions mounted on the ceiling in the center of the room.

This particular tv happened to be tuned to CNN, which as I glanced over was just beginning a segment on everyone’s favorite topic (no, not Tom Cruise): medical marijuana. (That’s my assumption, anyway; though without the benefit of sound, I can’t be completely sure.)

And what I saw there caused a fit of laughter so violent that it halted my warm-up, and attracted the attention of those working out around me.

God help me, despite whatever horribly painful and most likely terminal condition she grapples with on a daily basis, there is just something fucking hilarious about the sight of a little old granny lighting up a big fat doobie.

I am so going to hell.


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