Thursday, June 09, 2005

I think last night, you were driving circles around me.

Fuck, man. I dreamt about you last night.

So I’m writing this now.

What you choose to do (or not do) with this information is entirely up to you. But this, right now, is all about me. Something I’m only just beginning to learn is not always a bad thing.

So I woke up in a funk—a fact that annoys me on a few different levels. One being the simple fact that no one likes to wake up in a funk.

But more than that, I'm annoyed because waking up in this state has forced me to acknowledge the existence of feelings I think I was doing a pretty good of job convincing myself did not exist. Dreams can be funny like that. It was a particularly vivid dream and its lingering haze that once sent me running into a certain set of arms that in and out of which, to this day, I still occasionally bounce.

But I digress.

I suppose what annoys me most is that in this dream you were actually repentant. And that upon waking, I was disappointed that it wasn’t true.


Blogger Lostinspace said...

I know, it's frustrating. Sometimes, you want to hear that the other person is actually sorry. Or maybe not even the words itself, but the actual essence flowing from their being...

9:59 AM  

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