Monday, April 10, 2006

And what is "it" this time?

Ok, so I got tagged by Mark over at Defending the Raven...

The question is: In the movie of your life, who would play you?

This proved a difficult question to answer, cuz like, do you pick someone who looks like you, or someone who often plays characters that are similar to you, or someone who seems to have a “real” persona similar to yours... For real, yo. The possibilities are overwhelming. (Ok, so I’m easily overwhelmed.)

But after much thought, I’ve decided that in the movie of my life, Paul Rudd would play me. In some ways we look similar (those who know me personally can certainly feel free to chime in on this point), I’d say that the characters he plays are often people I can relate to, and from what I know of him and/or his “personality” we seem to at least share a similar sense of humor. So there you have it. An answer to a question I’ve no doubt put way too much thought into, but hell, sometimes one must go to great lengths in order to procrastinate effectively.

Now I’m supposed to come up with a question of my own, and then tag others to answer said question. So here’s a question for you:

If all salaries and benefits were equal at all jobs across the board (thereby eliminating any consideration of financial standing in terms of choice of profession), what would you do for work?

Now, I’m not going to tag anyone this time, as lately I’ve been much more into getting tagged. (Hardy har.) But feel free to answer in the comments.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If all salaries and benefits were equal at all jobs across the board (thereby eliminating any consideration of financial standing in terms of choice of profession), what would you do for work?

Anything that would allow me to sing, whether it meant being in a band, on stage, or being a singing waiter.

From now on I am going to imagine Paul Rudd when I read you.

3:19 PM  
Blogger raven said...

Oh too freaky. When I posed the question and taggeed people I had already decided who would play you in the story of MY life. Now my first choice was quick and hurried and it didn't sit well with me... It wasn't right at all and I was made at myself for even thinking it. Then I thought better and I came up with Paul Rudd. So I guess that means you win a prize.

3:23 PM  

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