Monday, December 11, 2006

Of love and dreams to share. (Day 10)

And behind door number ten we’ve got… a computer programmer!

Specifically, one of the blessed computer programmers that programs free flash games to play online. Do they deserve 501(c)(3) status, or what???

There are a millions of little flash games out there, and a lot of them are crap, but when you come upon a good one you can get at least a week’s worth of good stress relief out of it. See, I tend to be really busy at work, and don’t get to devote a whole lot of time to personal stuff. But I always need a few quick stress-relief breaks throughout the day (mind out of the gutter, please), and quick online games can really serve that purpose.

Here are a few of my recent faves:

Marvin Spectrum
Puki 3d

Each is controlled in a different way, and mastering that is part of the fun. Can’t say which one I like the best, but there’s definitely something endearing about shooting weird little baby albino vampires.


Blogger Limecrete said...

You might enjoy -- the games are pretty sweet, and the music alone makes a lot of them worthwhile.

11:19 AM  

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